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Your Excellency, Ambassador Prof. Abdullahi Shehu,

Minister Counsellor/Consul (Immigration, Consular & Education) Mr. Ogbonna Obinna

Secretary to the Consular, Mr Bassey Michael Offiong

Head of Nigerian Community, Voronezh Chapter. Dr. Chigbu Tony

Head of Nigerian Community, Rostov and Senate President, ANSSIR, Mr Michael Tadas-Okonkwo

The city representative, ANSSIR Voronezh, Mr Kilani Ezekiel.

ANSSIR Voronezh patron – Dr. Osita

Other Honorable Guests,

Distinguished graduates and members of the Association of Nigerian Scholarship Students in Russia,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is with great pleasure and immense pride that I, Daniel Idiare, stand before you today as the President of the Association of Nigerian Scholarship Students in Russia. We gather here in Voronezh, a city filled with rich history and vibrant culture, to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our fellow ANSSIRites who have successfully completed their studies and who we are celebrating today. Thanks to the entire team of ANSSIR Voronezh led by Mr Kilani Ezekiel.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Embassy of Nigeria in Russia and our esteemed Ambassador, Prof. Abdullahi Shehu, for gracing us with their presence. Your unwavering support and dedication to our association have been instrumental in fostering a strong bond between Nigeria and Russia, and we are truly honored to have you here today. Your involvement in this graduation ceremony and your commitment to recognizing the achievements of outstanding Nigerian students who have graduated with the Red Diploma across Russia demonstrate the importance you place on their success.

Today marks a significant milestone in the lives of our graduates. It is a moment of triumph, as they stand here before us, ready to embark on a new chapter in their journey. They have not only demonstrated outstanding academic prowess, but they have also shown resilience, adaptability, and the ability to overcome countless challenges. The pursuit of education is never an easy path, particularly when one is far away from home, immersed in a new culture, and facing language barriers. Yet, our ANSSIRites / graduates have risen above these obstacles, and today, we witness the culmination of their hard work and dedication.

To our graduating students, as you embark on the next phase of your lives, I invite you to join the esteemed ranks of our ANSSIR alumni. The alumni network will serve as a powerful platform for continued growth, collaboration, and mentorship. It will provide a space for you to connect with fellow alumni who have excelled in various fields, both in Nigeria and around the world. By becoming a part of the alumni body, you gain access to a vast network of professionals, thought leaders, and change-makers who can offer guidance, support, and opportunities for personal and professional development.

As the President of the Association of Nigerian Scholarship Students in Russia, I am proud to announce that we have embarked on a visionary plan to establish global partnerships that will further enhance the educational opportunities and experiences of Nigerian students. We believe in the power of collaboration and the strength that lies in forging alliances with institutions, organizations, and governments around the world.

Our alumni play an integral role in this plan. Through their global experiences, expertise, and networks, they serve as ambassadors and advocates for our association. As alumni, you have the power to open doors, initiate collaborations, and foster relationships that will benefit current and future Nigerian students studying abroad.

In the coming years, we aim to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with universities, research institutions, and industries in different countries. These partnerships will create opportunities for exchange programs, joint research initiatives, internships, and scholarships. By harnessing the collective power of our alumni network, we can pave the way for Nigerian students to access world-class education, gain exposure to diverse cultures, and develop the skills necessary to drive innovation and progress in Nigeria.

In addition to the global partnerships, we are also keen on forging strong ties with the Nigerian government. We believe that by collaborating closely with government agencies, we can work together to create more scholarship opportunities, improve the support mechanisms for Nigerian students abroad, and align our efforts with the national goals and priorities. By leveraging the resources and expertise of the government, we can enhance the overall educational experience for our students and position them as ambassadors of Nigeria’s educational excellence.

We are confident that by working hand in hand with the Embassy of Nigeria in Russia, we can achieve greater visibility for our students, foster more global partnerships, and ultimately contribute to the development and progress of our great nation.

As we celebrate the achievements of our graduates today, let us also remember our responsibility as Nigerian scholars. It is not just our duty to excel academically but also to utilize the knowledge and skills we have gained to make a positive impact in Nigeria and beyond. We must strive to be agents of change, leaders in our respective fields, and ambassadors of goodwill wherever we go.

Finally, let us take a moment to appreciate our families, friends, and loved ones who have supported us throughout this journey. Their unwavering love, encouragement, and sacrifices have played an integral role in our success. Today, we stand on their shoulders, grateful for their unwavering belief in us.

To our distinguished guests, I invite you to join me in celebrating the accomplishments of our graduates. Let us applaud their hard work, dedication, and the indomitable spirit that has brought them to this momentous day.

Once again, congratulations to our Red Diploma graduates, and may your future be filled with endless possibilities and remarkable achievements. Thank you.

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