GUEST POST by Olawale Raji
Over the years, after students complete their studies in Russia, they either go to other countries to further their education or go back to their own country because the possibility of staying back in Russia at that time not on the basis of education was not feasible, not to talk of getting a temporary/permanent residence as a foreign student in Russia.
Recently, a new law that makes it possible for students to get a temporary/permanent residence in Russia after their studies was passed.
How can students get to stay in Russia after studies??
RVPO means Temporary residence permit on the basis of education.
RVPO is issued for the period of study plus 6 months. What this means is that when you are given a temporary residence, you don’t need to apply for visa every year as students do. The RVPO covers your stay till the end of your studies plus an extra 6 months after studies. In these 6 months, you can decide to submit your documents for permanent residence (ВНЖ) or just stay for the 6 months and leave.
Advantages of the RVPO
1. You don’t have to pay or even go through stress every year till you graduate for renewal of visa. That’s helps you save 1600 for visa every year.
2. Normally when students complete their studies, they are always put on pressure to leave the country immediately before their visa expires. But with RVPO, you have an additional 6 months to either decide to stay (submitting additional documents to get permanent residence) or leave. No pressure to leave and there is time to take decisions and even to legalize your certificates and other documents because in many cases graduating students don’t always have enough time to do them.
3. RVPO is the prerequisite for studying students to get a permanent residence in Russia.
B. ВНЖ. Вид на жительство.
VNJ means Permanent residence permit.
This doesn’t need to be explained much as the word permanent residence speaks for itself.
How can one get the VNJ??
1. On the basis of the RVPO.
After completing your studies, as stated earlier the RVPO makes it possible to stay in the Russian federation for extra 6 months. Within this 6 months, additional documents can be submitted with the RVPO to get the VNJ.
2. Graduating with a First Class Degree.
Graduating with a first class makes it possible for one to apply for the permanent residence directly without having to get the RVPO first. This is the easiest way to get a permanent residence in Russia.
To get the RVPO or the VNJ, a very essential document is the Police Character Report and some other documents which includes passport, passport translation, proof of studies etc.
To get a verified Police Character Report and to make more enquiries, contact +79515473898 or reach me at Mboysilver on Instagram